Kimtay Kozmetik

Our company, which has been continuing its successful activities in the production of supplementary food and canned food products, agriculture, real estate and service sectors for many years, established Kimtay Cosmetics to produce cosmetics, mother-baby and health products as of 2020.

In 2020, the construction works of the factory building in the Astim Organized Industrial Zone were started and the establishment of the factory was completed at the beginning of 2021.

As of the first quarter of 2021, validation and quality system installations have been completed.

While researching and developing a wide range of products in laboratory and production scales between 2021-2022, at the same time, Kimtay Kozmetik started to serve consumers under different brands with PL production.

As of 2022, three new brands have been established under the Kimtay Cosmetics to bring the best to the users.

The production facility, production methods, raw materials and expert staff are in compliance with international qualification criteria, and Kimtay Cosmetics aims to deliver the best to its users with the products in its portfolio.

Producing natural, herbal and useful products in line with its goals, Kimtay Cosmetics continues to produce stronger and more useful products day by day.

Kimtay Hakkında
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